Friday 21 October 2016


Well we were passing, so had to go and see it. Met some great people on the site, which was ok considering its only 20 minutes into the centre.

We both really like Rome and this is a great time to visit I’d say. Campsite is only 20 minutes to the centre. Colloseum is as impressive as you’d expect, paid for a guide which also allows you to jump the 3hr queue to get in. She was really good at bringing it to life for example in a single game around 7000 gladiators and 12000 animals would die. Over it’s lifetime 1.5million died there, grim.
The campsite sold us a bit of a number steer though, it seemed a good idea to use their shuttle bus into Rome for 5euro, only snag was that it dropped you off a good 2km from anywhere of interest. Should have walked 2 minutes to the train station😀
Stayed 2 days.

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